Latest Work

See for yourself our high quality products and craftsmanship in these projects recently completed by Sunray.

Ranch slider security door

Long, hot sunny days are not uncommon at Waihi Beach in summer. The owners of this home are no stranger to that, which is why they asked us to install a security door to their ranch slider. This enabled air flow through the house to prevent excessive heat build up, while keeping it secure from any potential theft in this popular area.

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Security screens and doors

Hetherington House

Hetherington house residents in the rooms on the western side of the retirement home struggle with afternoon heat and glare from the setting sun. Sunray recommended Bannette Spring Arm Awnings above the windows and installed the awnings with 230V electric motors and remote controls programmed individually for each room. Residents and staff can control the awnings with the push of a button and each room has its own individua controls. The awnings give a stylish solution and worry free operation for years to come

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